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Naucz się zdobywać więcej niż tylko punkty.

Sandra Zaniewska

" Najlepsi trenerzy nie wychowywujÄ… najlepszych zawodników, oni wychowywujÄ… najlepszych ludzi." 


WierzÄ™ w to, że każda osoba ma nieskoÅ„czony potencjaÅ‚ i mojÄ… rolÄ… jako trenerki jest to, żeby pokazać zawodnikom jak go wykorzystać. W moim Å›wiecie przeszkody zachÄ™cajÄ… do przekraczania granic wÅ‚asnych możliwoÅ›ci, a niemożliwe to tylko kwestia perspektywy. PodchodzÄ™ do każdego zawodnika indywidulanie, podkreÅ›lajÄ…c znaczenie odkrywania swojej tożsamoÅ›ci i kreowania solidnych fundamentów po to, by wieść speÅ‚nione życie. 

Tennis Talk
Podcast o tematyce tenisowej. DostÄ™pny na YouTube, Spotify i Apple Podcasts. 
Stworzony z myÅ›lÄ… o trenerach, zawodnikach i rodzicach mÅ‚odych tenisistów, abyÅ›my wszyscy mogli siÄ™ uczyć poprzez doÅ›wiadczenia innych.
Anchor 2

 The aim of Coaching 2.0: How to Develop Great Female Players On and Off the Court is to show coaches how to create an environment in which players will have the space to excel not only as tennis players, but also as human beings. It’s about preparing players not only for their tennis challenges, but also for a happy life outside of the court. Don’t let the title mislead you though; the book is focused on female players, because I have been on both sides - previously as a professional player and today as a coach, however the ideas I write about are universal across genders. 


Raising Champions: The Ultimate Guide for Tennis Parents was created for tennis parents to help their child reach the highest levels of the sport. Drawing from my experience as a former pro player, coach, and high-performance director, it offers practical advice on managing everything from early development and practice schedules to building a support team and addressing mental health and injury prevention.


Both books are now available across the world. Head to your Amazon website to get a copy!


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